
Water Purifier Easy


Developed according to world design and finishing trends, it assures beauty and contemporaneity to environments.


Usage indications

Natural water purifier. Pour the water with a single click. Compact and practical. Cartridge with an easy replacement system. Eliminates tastes and odors: odorless and tasteless water. Removes impurities: micro particles such as mud, sand, rust, and sediments. Articulating water spout for larger bottles. Removable drip tray: for emptying or cleaning. Non-slip feet: improves the grip of the purifier on the countertop.


Pure water just one click

Water flow rate - 40 L/h

Chlorine, odor and bad taste reduction - Applicable

Particle retention - from ≥ 5 to ˂ 15 μm

Cartridge lifespan - 1.500 liters or 6 months

Easy replacement system

Installation: Table top

Comes with a key for cartridge replacement