Lançamento da Loja Oficial Online da Acquabios: Mais Comodidade para Você
Os Benefícios da Água Alcalina e do Ozônio em um Único Purificador! Conheça o Fitt!
Se você está em busca de um purificador de água que combine estilo, eficiência e tecnologia avançada, o Fitt é a escolha perfeita. Este purificador inovador traz para a sua casa todos os benefícios da água alcalina e do ozônio, em um design que se adapta perfeitamente à sua rotina e ao seu espaço.
Sócia-fundadora da Acquabios participa de evento sobre protagonismo feminino no segmento varejista de materiais de construção
Ser mulher no mercado de trabalho é um desafio diário; é enfrentar obstáculos e, frequentemente, ter que comprovar conhecimentos e habilidades, ainda mais quando a área de trabalho é dominada por homens, como é o caso da Construção Civil. Dessa forma, qualquer tipo de iniciativa é sempre bem-vinda quando deseja-se evidenciar mulheres, o seu trabalho e toda sua competência. Foi pensando nisso que o Grupo Revenda lançou sua segunda edição do Fórum de Mulheres na Construção, um evento para mulheres com foco em gestão, empregabilidade, liderança e vendas.
A Acquabios está presente na Segunda Feira Brasileira do Grafeno
Conheça Nossos Produtos!
Fomos premiados com o Selo Destaque Inovação 2023!
Estamos entre as 100 empresas que mais contribuem para a economia do município de Farroupilha!
Somos uma empresa verificada no Reclame AQUI
Lançamento: Purificador de Água Ultra Ice
More compact, with an ultra-pressure resistant reservoir and a modern compressor capsule refrigeration system. Check out the launch of Acquabios!
For the third consecutive year, Acquabios wins the GPTW seal
At Acquabios, we always seek to develop a healthy and comfortable work environment, committed to contributing not only to the quality of life of our customers, but also of our team. Therefore, we are happy to announce that our company has been certified for the third consecutive year with the “Great Place To Work” seal.
Solidarity Action: Christmas for All!
On the 11th, Acquabios promoted a social action called Natal para Todos, together with the Vila Nova and Vila Esperança communities, neighborhoods in the city of Farroupilha.
Event marks the opening of Acquabios' new headquarters
We're in a new house!
The month of September has started and we have a new house! It took 10 months to build our new industrial park, which will allow us to double the production of water purifiers and filters, renew the brand's product mix and generate new jobs in the region.
5 reasons to sell Acquabios in your store
To win and retain your customers, the products displayed in your store must have high quality and great value for money. However, with so many vendor options available on the market, it can be confusing to choose the best brands to work with for your business.
A new Acquabios is being built! Because for us, it's good to be with you!
Check out our new factory
Second edition of Conecta Magazine is on the air!
We recently released the second edition of our Conecta Magazine, developed especially for those looking for relevant issues related to water, health, sustainability and our market.
How to keep your Easy purifier clean
The Easy purifier has been gaining ground in the country's kitchens. In addition to being functional, it has a modern design, unique colors and a special edition in tones that are synonymous with elegance and contemporaneity, ideal for composing environments with sophistication.
Recognized work: Acquabios was certified with the “Great Place To Work” seal.
"At Acquabios, we always seek to develop a healthy and comfortable work environment, committed to contributing not only to the quality of life of our customers, but also of our team. Therefore, we are happy to announce that our company has been certified with the “Great Place To Work” seal.
We all understand the serious situation given the recent developments caused by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 news.
Questions when purchasing or installing your equipment?
Check out some tips that we have separated to assist you in the purchase and installation of our products
The consumer at the heart of the operation
"Are you prepared? Omnichannel has been positioning itself as one of the most important trends in retail. For those who still don't know what it's about, it's better to be aware, because the trend arises to meet a need of the new consumer, used to the online world, but still with many offline habits. Omnichannel emerges to integrate these worlds, making the differences between them subtle and practically imperceptible, but always focusing on the customer experience."
Acquabios Connecta: discover our new communication channel that marked our 10 years
Aquabios; Filters, Purifiers
Acquabios: 10 years building the best water filters and purifiers
In 2018, we completed 10 years of history and achievements. Through collective effort, we strengthen the vocation that Acquabios has always had: to establish itself as a company committed to people's quality of life, through the popularization of water purifying filters in the market.